Sustainability at Cavalier

Sheep on the hill

We have achieved our principle objective of recycling 100% of our post industrial waste.

This has been possible by focusing on our supply chain and working with our partners to ensure all our materials are recyclable.

We have built a strategic alliance with our underfelt manufacturer which has enabled the creation of a cradle to cradle sustainability scheme, converting our waste into a new underlay that we purchase back for use in our Contract Division.

Tree tops

Other elements of our textile waste are recycled into the bedding industry or alternatively the equestrian sector. With our finishing dust being used by beef farmers in conjunction with natural cattle bedding for indoor husbandry prior to being recycled as fertilizer on the land.

This Eco Carpet System has been achieved in conjunction with the following partners:

  • Carbon Trust
  • Groundwork
  • FT UK

Other initiatives currently underway are life-cycle assessment which encourages a more environmental focus on how we operate.